
Aleena is what I am called by most, and they give me presents on jan 13th.
I am uninterested in things uninteresting, but I might give it a shot.


This is where I spend most of my time doing stuff other than living and breathing:

the amazing SUMAYYAH


If you're bored enough to read this, I suggest you sign up for AP Physics B, because that has caused the Downfall of my boredom, and the Rise of a Very Full Life.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Brand New Website.
A REAL Website, complete without a redirect to blogger. Worpress, for some reason, just isn't working out for me. Can't wait till that's up. Since nobody cares, I'll continue.

I'm going to talk about Halloween today, since it's tomorrow.
I, personally, don't understand why people come close to having a heartattack when I tell them that I don't celebrate it. First off, you're under 60 years old, you really shouldn't even be having half heart attacks.

There's alot more to not celebrating.

  1. Imagine. I am saving so much money not buying candy for kids I don't know and never will know and really don't care about me.
  2. That money can be spent on things like, candy. Candy for myself, of course. And fancy chocolates. And chocolate covered strawberries.
  3. Having not ever participated in Halloween makes it look all the dumber.
  4. Spend all that money for one night that people forget about a week later? I think not.
  5. I don't get sick and tired of the sound of a doorbell ringing. It probably rings only about, I dunno, 348057374875 times, but if you don't celebrate, then hey! You get to shop at the mall and not hear a doorbell ringing!
  6. Honestly, half those kids are WAY too old to be trick-or-treating. Seriously.
  7. Some of those outfits are pretty scary. I get more nightmares looking at scary outfits than watching a horror film because at least I know that horror films aren't real.
  8. I don't pay for halloween decorations.
  9. I don't have to smile at obnoxious rugrats and tell them to have a good time.
  10. I automatically win the "Who got the most candy?" award because I didn't participate, and whoever doesn't get candy should deffinitely be awarded.
  11. I don't corrupt children prividing them with unlimited amounts of candy.
  12. I get to chill out at the mall.
  13. People think I'm wierd, it's great for my reputation. 'Cause, hey, it's better than people thinking I'm stupid.

And so, not celebrating halloween is fine by me. Really.

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aleena is amazing. [ 6:51 PM ]


  • how true how true.

    oh how interesting americans are when it comes to holidays?! lol

    miss ya xoxo

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:57 AM  

  • dude, i saw your uncle on halloween!
    oh, a reason you SHOULD love halloween - post-halloween candy sales! xD

    By Blogger anam, at 4:07 PM  

  • this is ur best work so far...or maybe it was the one before that...or before that...or before that

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:16 AM  

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