
Aleena is what I am called by most, and they give me presents on jan 13th.
I am uninterested in things uninteresting, but I might give it a shot.


This is where I spend most of my time doing stuff other than living and breathing:

the amazing SUMAYYAH


If you're bored enough to read this, I suggest you sign up for AP Physics B, because that has caused the Downfall of my boredom, and the Rise of a Very Full Life.

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Monday, October 22, 2007
I went to the Underground Atlanta yesterday, and it was extremely awesome and liberating.

I’m serious.

It was more than just a former underground station turned into a shopping hub, it was beyond that. It was an entire culture epitomized into a single street. The culture of Black America. I know I experienced a lot of it at Springbrook, but this was something else. It was located centrally in downtown Atlanta, and yet, it was more than just “a bunch of black people.”

I mean, all those really hard working people, the typical foods, the eclectic and colorful fashions, the open and accepting manner of people...It was incredible.

I highly recommend the place to anyone looking for a real place to see real people. Very real people.

On a completely different note, I am thoroughly missing Photoshop. I don’t have it on this computer in GA, its sitting way back in Maryland. Which sucks. I mean, you know that feeling when you’ve been addicted to CSI and then you miss a really good episode because your neighbor’s service was down, and you were freeloading and then you find out that they no longer get Cable? I believe that’s sort of what I’m feeling right now.

I wish I could buy time.

Time to do things like study AND chill all in the same day.

A new concept, I know,

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aleena is amazing. [ 1:58 PM ]


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    By Blogger anam, at 7:31 PM  

  • Alas, I also wish I could buy time. I would blow my college fund to buy all of it, then rewind and redo Eid with you, without getting horribly sick and spending the whole day in bed.

    I am so, so sorry. =[

    *sigh* Oh, well. Guess you have to come back so that we can actually do something this time. weekend? This weekend? Anytime works for me, really.

    By Blogger anam, at 7:33 PM  

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